Habitat-species networks

To show how to technically implement the species-habitat network framework, we use data reported in Hill & Bartomeus (2016), which can be found in an updated version at https://github.com/ibartomeus/hab-sp_ntw/blob/master/data/powerlines3.csv. The sampling was not originally conceived to apply this framework and therefore it should not be considered an optimal design for this purpose. The nature of the data is, however, suitable to exemplify how to compute some of the available metrics using simple examples that can be more easily visualized and interpreted by the users.

In the study, surveys were carried out in multiple habitats across 10 landscapes of 2 x 2 km. The habitat types were:
a) Corridors
b) Forest
c) Forest/grassland boundary
d) Non-flowering crop boundary
e) Semi-natural grassland
f) Maintained roadside
g) Maintained drain

Within each habitat type, a 50 x 3 m transect with the highest number of flowering plant species was selected. Bumblebee species abundance was recorded for 15 minutes. Each study plot was surveyed twice between 9th July 2014 and 25th August 2014.

We start by loading and formatting the data:

#load libraries

#next we read and review the data
d <- read.csv("data/powerlines3.csv", h = TRUE)

#Check for any inconsistencies
#We remove unidentified species.
d <- subset(d, Gen_sp != "Bombus_spp")
#Due to issues with swedish letters, they are renamed
levels(d$Site)[1] <- "Angeby"
levels(d$Site)[4] <- "Gavsta"
levels(d$Site)[7] <- "Kottgrind"
levels(d$Site)[8] <- "Laby_Norra"
levels(d$Site)[9] <- "Laby_Sodra"

#Each of the two sampling rounds are pooled for this example
d2 <- cast(d, formula = Site + Plot + Habitat + Gen_sp  ~ . , fun.aggregate = length)
#rename using same nomenclature as in the paper
colnames(d2) <- c("Site","Patch","Habitat","Gen_sp","Abundance" )

Unfortunately we don’t have coordinates for each habitat patch, but we can still visualizing one of the networks, even if it’s not spatially explicit.


We select one network to work with:

#subset one site
site1 <- subset(d2, Site == "Angeby")
#create the network in matrix format
ntw1 <- cast(site1, Patch ~ Gen_sp, fun.aggregate = "sum", value = "Abundance")
#we can remove the first column with rownames
ntw1_ <- ntw1[,-1]
ntw1 <- as.matrix(ntw1_)
colnames(ntw1) <- gsub(pattern = "Bombus_", replacement = "B. ", 
                       x = colnames(ntw1_), ignore.case = T)
#create a patch dataframe to store its properties.
patch <- unique(site1[, c("Patch", "Habitat")])
patch$color <- c("gold", "green", "gold", "darkgreen",
                                     "grey", "green", "darkgreen",
                                     "darkgreen", "lightgreen")
rownames(ntw1) <- patch$Patch
#create a vector of bees
bees <- cast(site1, Gen_sp ~ ., fun.aggregate = sum, value = "Abundance")
colnames(bees)[2] <- "abundance"
bees$labs <- colnames(ntw1)

We can use package bipartite to plot it in two different ways:

#prepare legend
legend <- unique(patch[,c("Habitat", "color")])
par(xpd = T) #allow plotting outside the plot
plotweb(ntw1, col.low = as.character(patch$color)) 
legend(x=0, y=0.25, as.character(legend$Habitat), pch=21,
       col="#777777", pt.bg=as.character(legend$color), 
       pt.cex=1, cex=.6, bty="n", ncol=2)

visweb(ntw1, prednames = T, preynames = T, labsize = 0.6)

By inspecting the network we can see Bombus pascuorum is abundant (large box) and highly connected (6 links), especially to semi-natural habitats (in green). Let’s explore other visualization options. Package igraph is pretty cool too:

#or with pretier tools:
#prepare the data for igraph
links <- site1[,c("Gen_sp", "Patch", "Abundance")]
colnames(links)[3] <- "weight"
node1 <-  unique(site1[,c("Patch", "Habitat")])
colnames(node1) <- c("node", "attribute")
node1$type <- "habitat"
node2 <-  data.frame(node = unique(site1[,c("Gen_sp")]), 
                     attribute = NA,
                     type = "species")
nodes <- rbind(node1, node2)
#create igraph object
net <- graph_from_data_frame(d=links,
                             vertices=nodes, directed=F) 
# Generate colors based habitat: 
clrs <- data.frame(nod = V(net)$attribute,
                   cols = c(patch$color, rep("blue", 14)))
V(net)$color <- as.character(clrs$cols)
# Compute node degrees (#links) and use that to set node size:
deg <- degree(net, mode="all")
V(net)$size <- deg*3
# Setting them to NA will render no labels:
V(net)$label <- as.character(nodes$id)
# Set edge width based on weight:
E(net)$width <- E(net)$weight/3
#change arrow size and edge color:
E(net)$arrow.size <- .2 #but note no arrows in Unidirected graphs like this
E(net)$edge.color <- "gray80"
#prepare colors
cl <- unique(clrs)
cl$nod <- as.character(cl$nod)
cl$nod[which(is.na(cl$nod))] <- "Bombus"
plot(net, vertex.label = NA) #force vertex label NA to make visualization clearer.
legend(x=-1.5, y=-1.1, cl$nod, pch=21,
       col="#777777", pt.bg=as.character(cl$cols), 
       pt.cex=2, cex=.8, bty="n", ncol=2)

Here, we can see that the four larger habitat nodes that are highly connected. Interestingly, these belong to four different habitat types.

There is one more packege visNetwork that makes impressive interactive plots that may be better to visualize and explore these kind of graphs.

colnames(nodes)[1] <- "id"
nodes$shape <- "dot"  
nodes$shadow <- TRUE # Nodes will drop shadow
nodes$attribute <- as.character(nodes$attribute) 
nodes$attribute[10:23] <-  as.character(nodes$id[10:23])
nodes$title <- nodes$attribute # Text on click
nodes$label <- nodes$type # Node label
nodes$size <- deg*3 # Node size
nodes$borderWidth <- 2 # Node border width

nodes$color.background <- clrs$cols
nodes$color.border <- "black"
nodes$color.highlight.background <- "orange"
nodes$color.highlight.border <- "darkred"
links$width <- links$weight # line width
links$color <- "gray"    # line color  
#links$arrows <- "middle" # arrows: 'from', 'to', or 'middle'
links$smooth <- TRUE    # should the edges be curved?
links$shadow <- FALSE    # edge shadow
colnames(links)[1:2] <- c("from", "to")
visNetwork(nodes, links) 

Next let’s calculate a few network parameters.

Network structure

How is this network structured? To calculate it’s nestedness, we use weighted NODF, one of the more popular and robust nestedness metrics (Almeida-Neto et al. 2008, Almeida-Neto et al. 2010), but other options are also available.

(obs <- networklevel(web = ntw1, index = "weighted NODF"))
## weighted NODF 
##       20.8399

To know if 20.839895 is more nested than expected by chance for this network, we need to compare it with a null model:

nm <- nullmodel(web = ntw1, N=1000, method="r2d")
null <- unlist(sapply(nm, networklevel, index="weighted NODF")) 
plot(density(null), xlim=c(min(obs, min(null)), max(obs, max(null))), 
        main="comparison of observed with null model Patefield")
abline(v=obs, col="red", lwd=2)    

praw <- sum(null>obs) / length(null)

Here, we can see that this network is less nested than expected by chance (p value 0). This suggests that these species do not use habitats in a nested way (i.e. species-rich habitats do not host species found in species poor habitats) and we should check for other network structural features.

To gain further insights on the structure of species habitats networks, we can use another important structural metric: modularity. In this example, we will calculate a quantitative version of the metric (Dormann et al., 2014).

res <- computeModules(ntw1)
plotModuleWeb(res, displayAlabels = T)

modules.nulls <- sapply(nm, computeModules)
like.nulls <- sapply(modules.nulls, function(x) x@likelihood)
praw <- sum(like.nulls > res@likelihood) / length(like.nulls)

The network is more modular than expected by chance (p-value < 0). This confirms that each habitat tends to harbour a quite unique assemblage of species, with limited exchange between habitat patches. For the purpose of this worked example, we now focus on the description of these modules. We can see that patches 7, 8 and 9 (forest areas) form a dense module with common bumblebee species. Patches 1, 2 and 6 (grasslands and open habitats) host rarer bumblebees. The other modules are very small. It is interesting to note that the only roadside patch has its own module.

#we can calculate 2 values for each node
cz <- czvalues(res, weighted = TRUE, level = "lower")
#c : among-module connectivity
#z : within-module connectivity
#Olesen et al. (2006) give critical c and z values of 0.62 and 2.6, respectively. Species exceeding these values are deemed connectors or hubs of a network. The justification of these thresholds remains unclear to me. They may also not apply for the quantitative version.
plot(cz[[1]], cz[[2]], pch=16, xlab="c", ylab="z", 
     cex=0.8, las=1, col = patch$col)
text(cz[[1]], cz[[2]], names(cz[[1]]), pos=4, cex=0.7)

#we can check congruence between runs wth function metaComputeModules
#res2 <- metaComputeModules(as.matrix(ntw1))

We can also see the among-module (c) and within-module (z) connectivity of different patches. Interestingly, module 6 and 8 and 9 tend to act as connectors among modules. This makes sense as patch 9 is the interface between Forest and grassland boundaries. Note that z can’t be computed for modules composed by a single patch, and hence patch 5 is not plotted.

Next, we can ask which habitat patches would we prioritize for its conservation value. For this we can calculate its strength (Bascopmte et al 2006).

#we transpose the matrix to calculate it for the lower level.
patch$strength <- bipartite::strength(t(ntw1), type="Bascompte")
##    Patch                   Habitat      color  strength
## 1      1   Non_flowering_crop_edge       gold 2.1995238
## 6      2   Semi_natural_grasslands      green 1.0000000
## 8      3   Non_flowering_crop_edge       gold 1.3787879
## 11     4                    Forest  darkgreen 0.3533333
## 13     5       Maintained_roadside       grey 4.3641775
## 19     6   Semi_natural_grasslands      green 0.7087662
## 23     7                    Forest  darkgreen 0.7200000
## 25     8                    Forest  darkgreen 1.2513636
## 30     9 Forest_grassland_boundary lightgreen 2.0240476

Interesting, roadsides has the highest strength! This is because they sustain both common and rare species. However, we may want to correct for the fact that this habitat is only represented once in the dataset. Not surprisingly forests tend to rank lower, as they host a moderate number of common species.

Let’s see now how each patch influences each other (Müller et al 1999):

(inf <- PAC(ntw1))
##            1          2           3           4          5          6
## 1 0.30432234 0.05128205 0.000000000 0.010769231 0.03296703 0.12252747
## 2 0.22222222 0.55555556 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.00000000 0.00000000
## 3 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.459595960 0.111111111 0.35353535 0.03030303
## 4 0.07000000 0.00000000 0.166666667 0.176666667 0.16666667 0.05000000
## 5 0.01477833 0.00000000 0.036572623 0.011494253 0.73725556 0.06493506
## 6 0.14480519 0.00000000 0.008264463 0.009090909 0.17119244 0.17724321
## 7 0.09333333 0.00000000 0.000000000 0.013333333 0.00000000 0.06666667
## 8 0.11520000 0.00000000 0.005454545 0.013600000 0.12227273 0.10890909
## 9 0.13135338 0.03508772 0.000000000 0.014736842 0.04511278 0.10845865
##            7          8          9
## 1 0.06461538 0.22153846 0.19197802
## 2 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.22222222
## 3 0.00000000 0.04545455 0.00000000
## 4 0.06000000 0.17000000 0.14000000
## 5 0.00000000 0.10540752 0.02955665
## 6 0.05454545 0.24752066 0.18733766
## 7 0.28000000 0.36000000 0.18666667
## 8 0.12960000 0.30456364 0.20040000
## 9 0.08842105 0.26368421 0.31314536

We can read this matrix as the influence mediated by shared pollinators between each pair of habitat patches. It looks like influence is low overall (mean = 0.1111111) but some patches influence each others via shared pollinators (e.g. 7->8 0.36, but note this is not reciprocal, as 8->7 influence is moderate: 0.1296)

Finally let’s see which are the more selective bumblebees (Blüthgen et al 2007)? For this we regroup at habitat level.

d3 <- cast(d, formula = Site + Habitat + Gen_sp  ~ . , fun.aggregate = length)
colnames(d3) <- c("Site","Habitat","Gen_sp","Abundance" )
site1b <- subset(d3, Site == "Angeby")
#create the network in matrix format
ntw1b <- cast(site1b, Habitat ~ Gen_sp, fun.aggregate = "sum", value = "Abundance")
#we can remove first column with rownames
ntw1b <- ntw1b[,-1]
#let's visualize it with bipartite
#and calculate d'
#here low.abun can be used if we know patch attributes like area.
bees$d <- specieslevel(web = ntw1b, index = "d", level = "higher")
##                 Gen_sp abundance            labs          d
## 1   Bombus_barbutellus         1  B. barbutellus 0.22629439
## 2     Bombus_bohemicus         8    B. bohemicus 0.36040676
## 3      Bombus_hortorum         1     B. hortorum 0.17833866
## 4       Bombus_humilis         1      B. humilis 0.06033821
## 5      Bombus_hypnorum         1     B. hypnorum 0.22629439
## 6     Bombus_pascuorum        50    B. pascuorum 0.39456717
## 7      Bombus_pratorum         5     B. pratorum 0.35516628
## 8   Bombus_quadricolor         3  B. quadricolor 0.30913755
## 9    Bombus_ruderarius         8   B. ruderarius 0.17267753
## 10   Bombus_soroeensis         3   B. soroeensis 0.01736694
## 11 Bombus_subterraneus         7 B. subterraneus 0.14189519
## 12     Bombus_sylvarum         3     B. sylvarum 0.31301000
## 13   Bombus_sylvestris         1   B. sylvestris 0.06033821
## 14   Bombus_terrestris        22   B. terrestris 0.34582083

We can see B. terrestris or B. pascuorum have high values of d’ (very unselective), while B. humilis or B. soroeensis are highly selective.

At the site levels we can also determine which site is more nested and if the nestedness pattern correlates with amount of semi-natural habitats or species richness levels. Further, we can determine if more nested networks are also more robust (Memmot et al. 2004)?

Let’s calculate nestedness for all networks as well as other network parameters like species richness, robustness and number of semi-natural patches. Remember that to compare nestedness values, we need to standardize them. We suggest to follow Song et al 2017 method, as is the more robust:

source("toolbox.R") #load code developed by Song et al. and available in his paper.
#let's loop through all sites
#first we create empty objects to store the data
sites <- unique(d2$Site)
ntwks <- list()
nested <- c()
NODF <- c()
st_NODF <- c()
rob_rand <- c()
rob_real <- c()
rich <- c()
seminat <- c()
for(i in 1:length(sites)){
  sitex <- subset(d2, Site == sites[i])
  #create the network in matrix format
  ntwx <- cast(sitex, Patch ~ Gen_sp, fun.aggregate = "sum", 
               value = "Abundance")
  #we can remove first column with rownames
  ntwx <- ntwx[,-1]
  #let's visualize it with bipartite
  ntwks[[i]] <- ntwx
  #calculate nestedness
  nested[i] <- networklevel(web = ntwx, index = "weighted NODF")
  rob_rand[i] <- robustness(second.extinct(web = ntwx, nrep = 50, participant = "lower", method = "random"))
  NODF[i] <- nestedness_NODF(ntwx)
  st_NODF[i] <- comb_nest(web = ntwx, NODF = NODF[i], max_NODF = max_nest(ntwx))
  #reate a realistic extinction sequence
  ext_seq <- unique(sitex[,c("Patch", "Habitat")])
  #quick and dirty way to order habitats
  levels(ext_seq$Habitat) <- c("gCorridor", "bForest",
  ext_seq$Patch <- order(as.character(ext_seq$Habitat))
  rob_real[i] <- robustness(second.extinct(web = ntwx, participant = "lower", method = "external", ext.row = ext_seq$Patch )) #garsslands first, forest, etc...
  rich[i] <- ncol(ntwx)
  seminat[i] <- length(subset(ext_seq, Habitat %in%
sites_measures <- data.frame(sites, nested, NODF, st_NODF, rob_rand, rob_real, rich, seminat)

Are more nested networks correlated with the amount of semi-natural habitats?

plot(sites_measures$st_NODF ~ sites_measures$seminat)
abline(lm(sites_measures$st_NODF ~ sites_measures$seminat))

A quick look tells us that there is a weak trend for sites with more seminatural habitat patches (forests and grasslands) to be less nested. We would need better information on the proportion of semi-natural habitats in the landscape to run more accurate statistical tests.

Are more nested networks also more biodiverse?

scatter.smooth(sites_measures$st_NODF ~ sites_measures$rich)

In this case, the plot suggest that nestedness is not related to bumblebee richness levels.

Are more nested sites also more robust to in silico patch removal?

scatter.smooth(sites_measures$rob_rand ~ sites_measures$rob_real)

scatter.smooth(sites_measures$st_NODF ~ sites_measures$rob_rand)

scatter.smooth(sites_measures$neste ~ sites_measures$rob_real)

In this case, both the random removal of patches, and the “semi-natural habitats first” removal are correlated. Contrary to expectations, in this situation robustness is moderately correlated with nestedness level when removals are random, but this relationship is more complex when semi-natural patches are removed first.

What we have learned?

We have seen here how to apply network tools to anayze habitat-species networks, and highlight that the type of analysis will depend on your question and the type of data available.


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